Answer: I personally believe that the human race adapted and grew differently as the environment changed around us and we evolved into homo sapiens, only thing is, are we done evolving or are there more stages that will start growing onto us over time. Just as other species grew to adapt to their environment Ex. Climate change, most animals change behaviors and fly to a different area and some animals even change their own physical body to adapt to heat. Also a lot of people are influenced by looks, just as if a big guy and a skinny guy try to fight you to the death who are you gonna fight? Most likely the skinny guy even tho the big dude could be big from low pound weights and not know how to fight good. I have judged myself as a person and I think its better if you judge yourself cause you get hurt when other people do it, when I judge myself I look for flaws and see if I can change them if so I try my best to change and if not its the way I was created.
Sorry this way long its a really really good question and I didn't hesitate to give my best answer