After you compose your message, you need to proofread. The proofreading process may take longer than the composition process. You don’t want to spend a lot of time composing the message and then let poor grammar or punctuation prevent your audience from comprehending it. What should you do when proofreading a routine document? Check all that apply. Determine the format of your message. Skim over grammatical errors. Read one line at a time from a screen. Read from a printed copy.

Respuesta :

The correct answer is Skim over grammatical errors; Read one line at a time from a screen.

Proofreading is the analysis of written material, to check textual cohesion and coherence, clarity and correct spelling and grammar. Text correction makes the necessary adjustments to adapt it both to the standard norm of the language and to its formatting.

Reading and writing are increasingly present in our lives, through books, academic articles or an informal conversation on social media. Consequently, it is necessary to have professionals responsible for text correction.

The use of technologies, such as computers and the Internet, was of great importance in the way we communicate and popularize writing. Nowadays, the vast majority of people have writing as part of their daily lives, whether to write an e-mail, a memo or a message on their cell phones.

Communication in general can be done in several ways, after all, you will write a text for your boss differently than you would write for your friend. Thus, we have communication situations and so-called textual genres.