Yes, it is very much true that making decisions often involve both financial and non-financial factors. There are some situations in life where we have to consider both of them in order to make a valid or correct decision. For example, when we are buying a laptop, we will definitely consider its price and other specifications like, hard drive space, ram, but we will also consider its style, design and color as well not only price. In another case, when we have to choose between three jobs. One job offers $10000 per month in New York city, while other is offering $15000 in London and third one in China offering $18000. I love to live in New York city which is quite near to my hometown as well but it is offering me the less salary as compared to the other 2 options, I have to do a trade-off here. I will go for opting New York's job in $10000, I will not considering money factor here because I will be more comfortable in this city as many of my family members and friends live here, hence, sometimes both financial and non-financial factors matter when we have to make a decision.