Jamie Lee now has to juggle the three monthly credit card bills for each of the retailers where she purchased her home furnishings. She is interested in getting one loan to consolidate the three store consumer credit cards so she may make a single payment on the goods per month. Using “Your Personal Financial Plan” sheet 17, comparing the consumer loan options that Jamie Lee may consider. What are your recommendations for her to consolidate her monthly consumer charge bills?

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I would recommend Jamie Lee to use consolidating of her debt such as the credit card bills and taking personal loans only when she has a regular income and creditworthiness. She should also be able to payback her debts quickly and on time. If the interest rates offered by the company are lower for consolidated debt then she can choose this method to reduce her interest payments.

The debt management companies do not pay off her loans but they manage the funds through escrow account. On non payment it will result in diminishing personal credit score. Debt consolidation can be kept as the last resort when she is out of options to pay her debts.