[tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccc}$Net Sales&&1950000\\$Cost of Goods sold&&1200000\\$Gross Profit&&750000\\$Operating Expenses:&&\\$selling expenses&&95,000\\$Administrative expenses&&70,000\\$Operating Profit&&585000\\\\$Other Revenues and Gains&&\\$Dividend Revenue&30000&\\$Interest Revenue&20000&50000\\&&635000\\$Other expenses and losses&&\\$Interest expense&45000&\\$goodwill impairment&75000&120000\\Income before Income tax&&515000\\\end{array}\right][/tex]
[tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccc}$Income before Income tax&&515000\\$Income tax&&154500\\$Income from continued operations&&360500\\&&\\$Discountinued&&\\$Gain at disposal&300000&\\$Loss from operations&220000&80000\\$Income tax&&24000\\$Income from Discontinued operations&&56000\\&&\\$Net Income&&416500\\$Outstanding Shares &20,000&\\EPS&&20.825\\\end{array}\right][/tex]
The ommited depreciation expense and prior years change will not impact the current income statemnt these wil go directly against retained earnings as we will in vilation of the accounting principle of mathcing the expenses at the time they occur.
First, we solve for gross profit
Then, for other revnues and expense and the income from continued operations
The discounted operations are listed net of taxes
Then, we solve for the net incoem and EPS which si the quotient between the net income and the earnings per share.