List the three generations in the workplace today, and provide at least two characteristics of each generation that affect their motivation. How are these generations similar and how are they different?

Respuesta :


(1) Baby boomers born between 1946 to 1964.

Characteristics: They are optimistic and self focused.

(2) Generalization X born between the 1965-1980

Characteristics: They are independent and are knowns as the pioneers of Technological systems.

(3) Generation Y born between 1981 to 1997.

Characteristics: They are known to be Tech dependent and self expressive.


All these groups are similar in terms of their value for independence in the work place, visionary and coaching style of leadership.


Baby boomer created more competition in the work place,they value work over family and are less supportive.

Generation Xers are self reliant,self sufficient and most entrepreneur.

Generation Yers known as digital natives, grew up with the internet.

Explanation: In the work place their are different categories of persons based on their age, this categorization helps organisations to understand how to manage and regulate Relationships between the leaders and the other members of the Organisation.

Understanding the various generations available in a work place is vital to motivation and success of the business entity.