The advantages and disadvantages of recovery strategies are described.
1. Weekly full server backups with daily incremental backups: It is recommended to run full copies periodically for example weekly and between copy and full copy make incremental or differential copies. Daily full server backups: It is not recommended to make copies on the same server where the information is located. Disadvantage larger storage space.
2. Daily full server backups with hourly incremental backups: Less storage space than full or differential copy. Minor copy window. Disadvantage - if any dependent copy fails, the copy cannot be restored.
3. Redundant array of independent (or inexpensive) disks (RAID) storage devices with periodic full backups: RAID allows you to store the same data redundantly (in multiple paces) in a balanced way to improve overall performance. RAID disk drives are used frequently on servers but aren't generally necessary for personal computers.
4. Replicated databases and folders on high-availability alternate servers: Easy recovery. You have all the data copied.