Imagine you were able to travel back in time to any place you wanted to witness the evolution of humans. On which continent would you have seen the very earliest members of Homo sapiens?

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The earliest finding of modern Homo sapiens skeletons come from Africa. They date to nearly 200,000 years ago in the African Continent.

Current data suggest that modern humans evolved from archaic humans primarily in East Africa. A 195,000 year old fossil from the Omo 1 site in Ethiopia shows the beginnings of the skull changes that we associate with modern people, including a rounded skull case and possibly a projecting chin.

A 160,000 year old skull from the Herto site in the Middle Awash area of Ethiopia also seems to be at the early stages of this transition. It had the rounded skull case but retained the large brow ridges of archaic humans. Somewhat more advanced transitional forms have been found at Laetoli in Tanzania dating to about 120,000 years ago. By 115,000 years ago, early modern humans had expanded their range to South Africa and into Southwest Asia (Israel) shortly after 100,000 years ago. There is no reliable evidence of modern humans elsewhere in the Old World until 60,000-40,000 years ago, during a short temperate period in the midst of the last ice age


  • This planet was a much different place back in time when the humans first possibly appeared near the region of today's Morocco, Asia.As, the level of oxygen was much more then it is today different species roam the face of this world and more over the land mass was not the same as it is today but it was way different world to live inside.


  • However, as accourding the theory of evolution our ancestors were way different and were less evolved then we are today. As they had different body features and had different body characteristic then we have today. But, according to the archaeological findings the most early humans were found inside the region of Morocco, Asia.