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These examples were given demonstrating their influences on society in a grandiose way, reaching various factors such as the religion and culture of a society.
The importance of automobile transport in America is a factor in the evolution of a population community, and can have strong revolutionary implications in both religion and culture. This is because automobiles enable speed in transportation and comfort, becoming a desirable item within a culture, which in turn, would increase the number of people working to acquire this item. In addition, this factor could interfere in people's religiosity, allowing them not to be limited to the religions they have in their regions, and may have more freedom to make their own religious choices, since the car allows people to transfer between regions.
The desire to eat bananas for breakfast can also have a revolutionary impact on a population. This impact may be associated with the availability of bananas within a region. This desire may be related to the unavailability of this fruit in the region, allowing people to rely on religiosity so that a supernatural solution could happen in the region, allowing the banas to be found. On the other hand, this fruit could influence the culture of the region, also related to its availability. Bananas can be so abundant in the region that it has become an extremely popular fruit and used in all meals.