By changing the capital structure, ROE will improve by 3%. (Keeping all other things constant).
Return on Equity can be calculated as Net Income / Total Equity.
It is given that the liability-to-asset ratio is 40%. It means that the remaining 60% of the assets are financed through Equity. The worth of assets is $250. When we multiply it with the weightage of Equity, we will get $150. The figure for Net Income is given, simply put the values in ROE formula and you will get 13% (20/150).
Now to check the impact on ROE by changing capital structure, you have to change the denominator figure. To calculate it, multiply $250 which is the worth of assets with the new weightage of Equity which is 50%. The new Equity is 125. Since the denominator value has decreased from 150 to 125, the financial metric ROE will improve by 3%.
I hope I made it very much clear. If you have any further queries, feel free to ask. Thanks!