The three main reasons that might make n-tire architectures used in online businesses are Their intuitive system structure for administrators, their layering organization of processes, and the ability to maintain data separated in two different pools.
Three main reasons make n-tire architecture could be used in an online business.
The first one is that its structure allows administrators to identify the problems of the webpage and focus on the matter instead of having to review all of the structure to find out what is going on.
The second reason is that its layering organization provides the best setup to reuse applications. Which in other words says that the structure itself can make it possible to apply this structure to different purposes.
The third one is that the data access and data storage pools are separated and can be reviewed as well as provide maintenance to them in different times, to keep some functionality available in the process to test it and review if it works properly instead of doing it all together and testing after the process is done.