The expected return for a well diversified portfolio is 13.20%
The formula for multi-factor Capital Asset Pricing Model is given below
Expected return=Rf+Beta1*(RP1)+Beta2*(RP2)
Rf is the risk free rate of return is 6%
Beta1 is 1.2
RP1 is the risk premium on the first factor is 4%
Beta2 is 0.8
RP2 is the risk premium on the first factor is 3%
Expected return=6%+(1.2*4%)+(0.8*3%)
Expected return is 13.20%
This expected return on well diversified portfolio would have a return close 13.20%
A non-diversified factor 1 only investment would have 10.8%( 6%+(1.2*4%)) which lower compared to a diversified portfolio
A non-diversified factor 2 only investment would have 8.40%( 6%+(0.8*3%)) which lower compared to a diversified portfolio