Assembly Women, Clouds, Revenue
Assemblywomen is Aristophanes' comedy in which women gain control of the Athenian government and change the rules. It is written as the critique of the government of Athens at the time
Clouds are Aristophanes' satirical comedy piece, one of the first so-called "comedy of ideas". It also offered a caricature of Socrates. At the time, it was not well received.
Revenue - more commonly known as Wealth or Pluto - is political comedy satire by Aristophanes, again aimed as a critique of Athens. One of the main characters is the personification of god Plutus, the god of wealth.
Phaedrus, Critias, Meno, Phaedo, Republic, Timaeus and Euthyphro are all pieces written by Plato.
Anabasis, Agesilaus, Hellenica, Hunting with Dogs, On Horsemanship, The Constitution of the Spartans and Oeconomicus are written by Xenophon