current floating exchange rate
Exchange rate is the rate at which one currency will be exchanged with another. For example, 1 United States Dollar is equivalent to 4.24 Poland Zloty as of March 2020.
There are two common types of exchange rates:
1. Floating exchange rate: This is set by the FOREX market, and is based on the current supply and demand of currencies. When demand for a currency is high, its value increases and vice versa.
2. Fixed exchange rate: A fixed or pegged exchange rate is whereby a government entirely determines the rate and value of the currency.
Generally, a floating exchange rate system is used in the global market. This does not mean countries allow their currencies to fluctuate endlessly. The central bank of a country and it's government does intervene and manipulate the currency to make it favorable for them during international trade but it is done in a more indirect manner as opposed to a fixed exchange rate system.