Concordance is a count based on whether two people (or a twin pair) share a certain trait (or lack of a certain trait); for our purposes, the trait is criminal offending. True

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Complete question: Concordance is a count based on whether two people (or a twin pair) share a certain trait (or lack of a certain trait); for our purposes, the trait is criminal offending. True or False

Answer: True


Concordance refers to the presence of the same trait in sets of individuals, or both members of a pair of twins.

However, this simply means that there's possibility or probability that a certain characteristics is genetically expressed in a pair of individuals when a member of the set portray that characteristics.

Therefore, heritable trait expression support the contention of an increase risk for criminal behavior in twins.

Moreover, the rate of criminal behavior of twins who are monozygotic twins (MZ) or genetically identical is greater than twins that aren't genetically identical (i.e dizygotic twins), after series of experiments by researchers to determine the role of environmental influences and genetics on sets of individuals (twins) .