Modern information technology allows a great deal of information to be collected, stored, searched, and rapidly retrieved. Give an example of how this capability benefits society.

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In the healthcare sector, a patient medical records such as the genotype, blood group and allergies are usually stored in the computer database of the hospital. This makes finding such information easier as against the paper file method where the workers have to search thoroughly in the midst of thousands of files. This helps in the timely intervention of emergency cases.


This modern capability of information technology benefits the society especially in the area of security and crime combat.

Take for example; Miss Pamela kills her former boss, Dr Smith who she previously worked for in Los Angeles and plans to run away with her boss's hundred million dollars to Kuwait. The aircraft she boarded was at the verge of departure when luck ran out of her and the Los Angeles police department (L.A.P.D) pounced on her.

For the records, Pamela has not been seen with Dr Smith for more than 4 years after her contact with Dr Smith expired, so it was almost impossible to think that Pamela who left her former boss, Dr Smith on mutual agreement some years ago will for some reason be responsible for his death.

The L.A.P.D speedily arrived the crime scene and investigated just about anything that could lead to solving the puzzle of identifying who/why Dr Smith was killed. During this process, the door handle of the room that Dr Smith's lifeless body was found in was taken to the laboratory for screening. Finger prints were discovered to be on the door handle. The finger prints were cross examined with virtually all the fingerprints of the people that the country has their information in their data bank. Those fingerprints correctly matched that of Pamela and security experts wondered what her fresh fingerprints were doing on the door handle of Dr Smith's room so many years after the expiration of their contract.

Her arrest warrant was swiftly obtained. The L.A.P.D then combed virtually everywhere in search for her and caught her trying to escape the country.

Summarily, If it wasn't for modern information technology that made possible, the speedy retrieval and comparison of Pamela's previously collected and stored data, she just may have evaded justice.