Competition in the craft Brewing Industry in 20171. Identify the strategic issues facing craft beer brewers in 2017. What effects may these issues have on the overall industry? 2. What recommendations would you make to a small craft brewery to improve its competitiveness in the market?

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1. Threat of new entrants to the industry and the power of suppliers are the strategic issues facing craft brewers in 2017. The threat of entry has a great effect on a companies willingness to expand its product base in fear that a new entrant will either mimic or produce a substitute for their product.

2. I would recommend that small breweries need to get out there and get their product in the minds of more customers, use social media to target their audiences and consumers. They should also invest in equipment that will reduce labor costs in the long run. Risk of supply availability can be mitigated by using multiple suppliers or becoming your own suppliers and also selling to other breweries, making another source of income.