The aria in "Rejoice greatly" has an instrumental introduction, after which the soprano enters singing the text "Rejoice," exclaiming joy at the coming of "the King." Complete the sentence to best describe the text setting for the word "Rejoice."

Respuesta :


•When she sings "Rejoice,"

•The soprano follows with a disjunct (rising line)


"Rejoice greatly" is a classical piece from Handel's Messiah.

An aria, is a musical piece written typically for a solo voice with orchestral accompaniment in an opera or cantata.

•When she sings "Rejoice,"

•the soprano sings a disjunct (rising line).

As the choir sing "rejoice" there is a  passage of several notes sung to one syllable of text, as in Gregorian chant the form of A-B-A. It is an oratorio.