Many bacteria and fungi that are parasitic of plants face the daunting task of finding and infecting a new host by airborne spore dispersal followed by germinating upon and then penetrating the leaf surface of their host. What are some of the specific adaptations possessed by some of these parasites to gain access to leaf tissue by entering through stomata thereby evading the plant leaf cuticle? (Hint: search on rust fungi, Uromyces.)

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The parasites are those organisms which invade the host cell machinery to obtain nutrition, shelter and to reproduce their own progeny.

The fungi are the saprophytic organisms which obtain their food from the dead and decaying organic matter. But the fungi can also be parasitic in nature. The rust fungi produce spores which get attached to the plant surface. These spores germinate over the plant surface. They produce their germ tubes in the stomata of the leaves.

Some of the fungal strains damage the cuticle, and enter into the cells of the host plant. Some of the fungal strain also produce special structures called as haustoria which helps in deriving the nutrients from the plants.