The Alien and Sedition Acts of "1798":______.A. Tried to silence the Democratic-Republicans in the election of 1800. B. Increased the number of years immigrants had to live in the United States before becoming citizens. C. Gave the president the authority to deport suspicious aliens. D. Each statement is accurate.

Respuesta :


D. Each statement is accurate


Alien and Sedition acts were series of laws passed by the Federalist congress. It was signed by President Adams and became a law.

The laws gave government the power to deport foreigners. It was passed because the congress thought that US would have war with France, and hence it was meant to restrict the foreign residents and control the freedom of press and speech.  

The federalists were also afraid that the Democratic Republicans  would sympathise with the France during the war.  

There were three acts in Alien and Sedition act, the Alien act allowed the president to deport aliens that were believed to be dangerous, The sedition act declared the publishing of malicious or scandalous content against the government a crime and the naturalisation act increase the required numbers of years to become a citizen from 5 to 14.