Write a function called name_facts that will take a firstname (string) as an input parameter, and print out various facts about the name, including:
1) its length, 2) whether it starts with the letter A, and 3) whether it contains a Z or X.
To gain full credit for this exercise, you must use string formatting to print out the result. Hints: You will probably want to convert the string to lowercase when checking conditions 2 and 3. You can get by without it, but you'll have to make sure you check both lower and uppercase versions of the letters. You will have to use the in operator for condition 3. You will also probably want to make a separate message for conditions 2 and 3 (depending on the answer) and use string formatting to join them into the final message.

Respuesta :


def name_facts(firstname):

   print("Your name is",len(firstname),"letters long",end=", ")

   if(firstname[0] == 'A'):

       print("does start with the letter A",end=", ")


       print("does not start with the letter A", end=", ")

   if(firstname.count('Z')>0 or firstname.count('X')>0):

       print("and does not contain a Z or X")


       print("and does not contain a Z or X")






// Comments are used for explanatory purpose

// Program starts here


using namespace std;

int main()


// Declare firstname

string firstname;

//Prompt to enter firstname

cout<<"What's your first name: ";

// Accept input


// A. Get string's length

int length = firstname.length();

// Print length

cout<<"Length = "<<length<<endl;

// Copy string to chat array

char char_array[length + 1];

// copying the contents of the string to char array

strcpy(char_array, firstname.c_str());

// B. Check if it starts with letter A

if(char_array[0] == 'A')


cout<<"Your Firstname begins with letter A"<<endl;




cout<<"Your Firstname doesn't begin with letter A"<<endl;


// Check if it contains X or Z

int k = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

if(char_array[i] == 'Z' || char_array[i] == 'X')




if(k == 0)

{cout<<"Your Firstname doesn't contain Z or X";}


{cout<<"Your Firstname contains Z or X";}


return 0;
