
High blood sugar Select one: a. Is termed hypoglycemia and stimulates alpha islet cells to produce glucagon b. Causes beta islet cells to produce glucagon c. Results in the the hypothalamus releasing insulin into the blood d. Stimulates the release of insulin by beta islet cells

Respuesta :

Answer:Stimulates the release of insulin by beta islet cells

Explanation:High blood sugar level is called hyperglycemia.

It is very important for the body to regulate it's blood sugar level. This is done by hormones; insulin and glucagon.

When blood sugar rises, the beta cells of the pancreas produces insulin. This insulin reduces the blood sugar level by storing up glucose in the body.

High blood sugar level leads to diabetes.this condition occurs when the pancreas does not produce Insulin or produces insufficient insulin or the body becomes resistance to the activity of insulin.

Patients with diabetes have to take shots of insulin in order to keep their blood sugar level within the normal range.

When the blood sugar level is low, glucagon is produced by the alpha cells in the pancrease.glucagon converts stored glucose back into forms the body can use .