From the elements you described in Step 2.a Summarize your descriptions in five well developed sentences that tell: 1. What you perceive as movement within the work (the pattern your eye follows) or actual (physical) movement in the work, itself. 2. The relationships between elements you have described

Respuesta :


For a good analysis of the painting and to answer precisely what is asked, you should consider this:

1 - to analyze the movement, just explain the technique used by the artist. How it looks to the eye, is the movement fluid? How the brush was used to create this movement, and how the brush strokes are used on the canvas?

2 - in the case of physical analysis, you should consider if the artist had achieved the proposal to follow the movement correctly. In other words, if the artist was correct to portray this element. Another thing you should put into consideration is the strength he used in the brush strokes in order to achieve the illusion of movement.

3 - Finally, you have to explain how these elements contributed to creating the illusion of movement, and how our senses perceive this point. Just explain what you could see, based on your experience and feelings looking at the canvas.
