Describe the process involved in inflammation. Be sure to: describe the process that eliminates the pathogen describe what will happen if the pathogen is not destroyed list the 5 cardinal signs of inflammation

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Inflammation is a process that occur when tissues are injured by bacteria,heat,toxin or other causes.


Inflammation triggers damage to the living tissues and thus it creates defense mechanism that protects higher organism from infection and injury.The main purpose of this is to eliminate those agents that is injurious to heath and removes the damage tissues so that body can heal.

This response activates by change in blood flow,increase the permeability of blood vessels,accumulation of fluids,proteins,WBC to the site where tissue damage takes place.

If inflammation occur for few days,called as acute inflammation and when inflammation occur for longer period of time, it is called as chronic inflammation.

Inflammation causes redness by dilation of small blood vessels.

Swelling called edema by accumulation of fluid.

The factors include microorganism,physical agents,inappropriate immunological response,death of tissue.

The infectious agents are virus,bacteria etc.