Can someone help me translate these sentences? I got the first three, but now I'm stuck. (This is Latin by the way. It's part of the story of Circe.)

1. Ulixes Eurylochum et suos (his) viros insulam explorare iubet.

2. Circe homines in regia salutat, sed Eurylochus regiam non intrat (enter).

3. Homines Eurylochi ab maga ,Circe, in sues mutati sunt.

4. Tum exclamant "Sumus sues! Sed eramus homines! Eheu!" ( Alas! )

5. Eurylochus ad Ulixem, cui totam fabulam narrat, maturat.

Respuesta :

Ulysses Eurylochus and his men to explore the island .
Where men are concerned in the palace greets you, he does not enter the palace, but secures enterance

Then I cried out, "We are the pigs ! But we were men ! Alas !"
Secure to Ulysses , which tells the story of the whole , he hastens to .
  (used google translate)