
Volcanoes can primarily be found in three tectonic environments. List and
explain all three. Then look the web page at the end of this question

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Convergent plate boundaries

Divergent plate boundaries

Hot spots


Volcanoes are land forms that are produced when molten rocks from within the earth reaches the earth surface.

The molten rocks are called lava.

  Three main types of tectonic settings are known to produced volcanoes and can all be attributed to plate motion or tectonics.

  • A special type of convergent plate boundary when volcanoes are prevalent is a subduction zone. At a such zones, two plates of different densities collides with one another. The denser one sinks into the mantle below and on its way down, it melts. The resulting magma produced can reach back to the surface to form mostly under water volcanoes and continental volcanic activities.
  • Along a divergent plate boundary, two plates pull apart and allows for the mantle below to upwell. This produces volcanism as seen and observed in the mid-oceanic ridge basalts.
  • Hot spots are adjacent places on the crust where the mantle completely feeds a volcano. Here a mantle plume directly connects to the crust via a conduit.