4. In what ways are the principles of rule of law and republicanism reflected in the U.S. Constitution?
Define each of these principles and describe specific elements of the Constitution that promote them.

Respuesta :

Answer: The rule of law is reflected in the constitution.


The constitution is also the guarantor of the rule of law. The structure defines its legitimacy and emphasizes the need for everyone to respect it. Republicanism favors the assembly of people in government, and the people themselves, through such principles, should agree with the laws that the government passes. The psychic tenets of the rule of law emphasize that everyone is equal before the law. These principles are as old as the states themselves, and the principles mentioned were planted in ancient Greek times.


The principles of rule of law and republicanism is reflected in the articles of the constitution. The rule of law defines that nobody is above the law, this includes kings and officials. Republicanism is defined as a political principle in favor of the selection of government officials by the people. The rule of law is promoted by the clause in Article VI, paragraph 2, of the US Constitution that states that the Constitution and federal laws made under it are the supreme law of the land. They overrule any state laws and state constitution. Republicanism is reflected in Article I since the legislative branch is divided into two houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives, that contains officials that are elected by us.