8.19 - Airline Reservations System (Project Name: Airline) - A small airline has just purchased a computer for its new automated reservations system. You have been asked to develop the new system. You’re to write an app to assign seats on each flight of the airline’s only plane (capacity: 10 seats). Display the following alternatives: Please enter 1 for First Class or 2 for Economy. If the user types 1, your app should assign a seat in the first-class section (seats 1–5). If the user types 2, your app should assign a seat in the economy section (seats 6–10). Use a one-dimensional array of type bool to represent the seating chart of the plane. Initialize all the elements of the array to false to indicate that all the seats are empty. As each seat is assigned, set the corresponding element of the array to true to indicate that the seat is no longer available. Your app should never assign a seat that has already been assigned. When the economy section is full, your app should ask the person if it’s acceptable to be placed in the first-class section (and vice versa). If yes, make the appropriate seat assignment. If no, display the message "Next flight leaves in 3 hours."

Respuesta :


The App is written in C++ language using dev C++.



You can run this program in any C++ compiler like dev C++ or any online C++ compiler


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class bookingSeat// class for airline reservation system





  bool reserveSeat[10];// 10 seats (1-5) for first class and 6-10 for economy class

  int firstClassCounter=0;//count first class seat

  int economyClassCounter=5;//count economy class seat

  char seatPlacement;/* switch between economy and first clas seat----- a variable for making decision based on user input*/


  void setFirstClassSeat()//


      if(firstClassCounter<5)// first class seat should be in range of 1 to 5


          reserveSeat[firstClassCounter]=1; /*set first class seat..... change index value to 1 meaning that it now it is reserved*/

          cout<<"Your First Class seat is booked and your seat no is "<<firstClassCounter+1; //display seat number reserved

          firstClassCounter++; //increament counter


      else//in case seats are ful


          cout<<"\nSeats are full";

          if(economyClassCounter==10 && firstClassCounter==5)


              cout<<"\n Next flight leaves in 3 hours.";




              cout<<"\nIt’s acceptable to be placed to you in the first-class section  y/n ";//take input from user

              cin>>seatPlacement;//user input

              if(seatPlacement=='y')//if customer want to reserve seat in first class


                  setEconomyClassSeat();// then reserve first class seat




                  cout<<"\n Next flight leaves in 3 hours.";







  void setEconomyClassSeat()//set economy class seat


    if(economyClassCounter<10)//seat ranges between 6 and 10


          reserveSeat[economyClassCounter]=1;// reserve economy class seat

          cout<<"Your Economy class seat is booked and your seat no is "<<economyClassCounter+1;//display reservation message about seat

          economyClassCounter++;//increament counter


      else// if economy class seats are fulled


          cout<<"\nSeats are full";

          if(economyClassCounter==10 && firstClassCounter==5)//check if all seats are booked in both classes


              cout<<"\n Next flight leaves in 3 hours.";




              cout<<"\nIt’s acceptable to be placed to you in the first-class section  y/n ";//take input from user

              cin>>seatPlacement;//user input

              if(seatPlacement=='y')//if customer want to reserve seat in first class


                  setFirstClassSeat();// then reserve first class seat




                  cout<<"\n Next flight leaves in 3 hours.";









int main()

{   int checkseat=10;// check seat

   int classType;//class type economy or first class

   bookingSeat bookseat;//object declaration of class bookingSeat

   while(checkseat<=10)//run the application until seats are fulled in both classes


       cout<<"\nEnter 1 for First Class and 2 for Economy Class ";

       cin>>classType;//what user entered

       switch (classType)//decide which seat class to be reserved  


           case 1://if user enter 1 then reserve first class seat



           case 2://if user enter 2 then reserve the economy class seat







   return 0;


Universidad de Mexico