Answer explained below
Since we have to calculate the optimal time for digging only , keeping in mind that the building work has to be finished as soon as possible so the foundation with the minimum digging time has to be dug out first.
Hence it is needed to arrange the digging times of all the foundations in ascending order so that the building of the houses can be started as soon as possible.
So we apply the sorting algorithm here:(best sorting algorithm - quick sort)
/* l -- start index , h-- end index , p -- partition index */ quicksort(found[] , l , h) if( l < h) { p= partition( found, l , h); quicksort(found, l , p-1); // Before p quicksort(found , p+1 , h); // After p
/*partition() : This function takes the last element as pivot , places it at its correct position and put the larger elements at its right and smaller ones at its left */
partition(found[ ] , l , h) // pivot ( Element to be placed at right position) pivot = found[ h ];
i = l -1;
for( j = l ; j <= h -1 ; j++) { if ( found [ j ] < pivot )
{ i++: //increment of smaller element
swap found [ i ] and found [ j ]
swap found [ i +1] and found [ h ]
return ( i+1)
/* The sorted array found [ ] gives the order in which the foundations are to be dug out in order to get the work done in the minimum time possible.*/