"Cultura: ¿Cierto o falso?Multiple choice Activity Textbook Instructions Indicate whether each statement is certain to or false based on the En detail reading. February 21 11:59 PM 1 attempt remaining Grade settings External references Culture presentation 48-49.
Questions 1. Students in Spanish-speaking countries must pay large amounts of money toward their college tuition. false
2. Carrera refers to any undergraduate or graduate program that students enroll in to obtain a professional degree. certain
3. After studying at a college, students receive their bachillerato. certain
4. Undergraduates study at a college or an universidad. certain
5. In Latin America and Spain, students usually choose their majors in their second year at the university. false
6. In Argentina, students focus their studies in their high school years. certain
7. In Mexico, the bachillerato involves specialized study. certain
8. In Spain, majors depend on entrance exam scores. certain
9. Venezuelans complete a licenciatura in five years. certain
10. According to statistics, Colombians constitute the third-largest Latin American group studying at U.S. universities. cierto
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