In javaWrite a program that simulates flipping a coin to make decisions. The input is how many decisions are needed, and the output is either heads or tails. Assume the input is a value greater than 0.Ex: If the input is 3, the output is:tails heads headsFor reproducibility needed for auto-grading, seed the program with a value of 2. In a real program, you would seed with the current time. In that case, every program's output would be different, which is what is desired but can't be auto-graded.Note: A common student mistake is to create an instance of Random before each call to rand.nextInt(). But seeding should only be done once, at the start of the program, after which rand.nextInt() can be called any number of times.Your program must define and call the following method that returns "heads" or "tails".public static String HeadsOrTails(Random rand)

Respuesta :


// Program is written in Java Programming Language

// Comments are used for explanatory purpose

import java.util.*;

public class FlipCoin


public static void main(String[] args)


// Declare Scanner

Scanner input = new Scanner (;

int flips;

// Prompt to enter number of toss or flips

System.out.print("Number of Flips: ");

flips = input.nextInt();

if (flips > 0)






public static String HeadsOrTails(Random rand)


// Simulate the coin tosses.

for (int count = 0; count < flips; count++)


rand = new Random();

if (rand.nextInt(2) == 0) {

System.out.println("Tails"); }

else {

System.out.println("Heads"); }

rand = 0;



Universidad de Mexico