Respuesta :
Bok choy is a type of Chinese cabbage. Its Chinese name, "pak choi," translates to "white cabbage," probably because of its blanched centers, but there are green varieties too. The stalks are crisp and the leaves are smooth and tender with a flavor somewhere between cabbage and chard.Jan 11, 2020
Common Name: Bok choy, pak choi, bok choi
Soil Type: Rich, well-draining soil
Plant Type: Vegetable
Botanical Name: Brassica rapa var. chinensis
Common Name: Bok choy, pak choi, bok choi
Soil Type: Rich, well-draining soil
Plant Type: Vegetable
Botanical Name: Brassica rapa var. chinensis
Answer: It is a whole plant.
It is a whole plant.
If you are interested in generally edible part it is stem.