The purpose of this activity is to create a Podcast using iMovie that surveys the ABC’s of American Government. 1. First,takeoutapieceofpaper. 2. Second,allocateenoughspaceforeachlettertowriteafour-sentence summary. 3. Third,placealetteroneachline(AtoXYZ). 4. Fourth,selectanobject,person,placeordaythatstartswiththeletterand is important to Early American Government (pre-1812). 5. Fifth,eachsegmentofthePodcastshouldcontainthefollowing: ▪ A title for the segment ▪ The word starting with the letter. ▪ A four-sentence summary about the word. ▪ Plus an illustration/photograph. 6. Sixth,thePodcastwillneedatitle. 7. Seventh,makesurethereisavoiceoverforeachsegment. 8. Eighth,allpicturesmustbecitedandtheworkscitedpagemustbe handed in along with the Podcast. 9. Ninth,atleast12lettersmustbecited. 10.Each section will be worth 3 points (36) and the content, neatness, creativity, citations, visual aides, and punctuality will be a 120 addition points. The entire Podcast will be worth 156 points.