Use this informal outline to organize your essay. If you plan to have more than three body paragraphs in your essay, continue on another sheet of paper. Pattern of organization I will use Least important to most important Title of my essay The road not taken What I want to include in my introduction Thesis statement The theme of this poem is in life when picking which path to go down, choosing the harder path will make your life more meaningful. Thematic evidence I want to include in my first body paragraph The speaker is not identified by gender or age because the speaker could be anyone. Essentially, the poem is about how it is human nature to want our lives to have meaning and purpose. Thematic evidence I want to include in my second body paragraph The meter in this poem is an iambic tetrameter, a metrical scheme that presents four beats to the line. This meter gives the poem a sense of propulsion and forward movement, fitting for a poem about a traveler. The rhyme scheme in each of the four stanzas is ABAAB. Thematic evidence I want to include in my third body paragraph The whole poem is a metaphor about life. What I want to say in my conclusion Just because not everyone wants to take the harder path doesn’t mean you shouldn’t because it can make all the difference.

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The introduction is the first paragraph in a piece of informational writing. Read carefully to find the thesis. The thesis is the sentence that tells us the author’s specific idea about a topic that will be supported with facts. It is the author’s main point. Remember, a thesis statement does not include the author’s feelings or emotions. This thesis will be supported in the body paragraphs that follow.

The middle paragraphs make up the body. There may be any number of body paragraphs. Each body paragraph begins with a topic sentence. The topic sentence introduces a main fact to support the thesis. The topic sentence is followed by supporting details. Supporting details might include charts, quotes, or facts and figures. Read carefully to see how these details support the main fact. Also notice how the entire body paragraph supports the thesis.

The last paragraph is the conclusion. A strong conclusion revisits the thesis but does not repeat it word for word. Sometimes an author answers a question that was asked in the introduction. Sometimes an author suggests that readers take some action. The conclusion is the paragraph that shows how all the pieces fit together.



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