Respuesta :
Answer:The ethical issue for Madrid and berne is allowing Joan used their office, equipment,supplies and have unrestricted access to their customers.
The ethical dilemma is the manner in which Joan fees are paid and determined.
Explanation:Joan presence in Madrid and berne office using all their resources makes him look like an employee or staff of the company rather than an independent contractor that he is.if he does anything wrong with Madrid and berne customer ,Madrid and berne will be vicariously liable i.e they cannot deny knowledge of it even. If it is not part of assigned to him.having access to all Madrid and berne customer may definitely lead to the and the customer will have a feeling he is a staff of Madrid and berne .
The ethical dilemma for joan is his fees ,he is being paid on standard determine by Madrid ,fees paid to accountant should be moderate and both party should determine it ,this is to strengthen the objectivity and Independence of Joan,as it is Joan work will be influenced greatly by Madrid and berne especially for their high worth customers.even when the records are not okay,they won't want to lose such customer and may influence Joan to write favorable report,the client will also easily bribed joan for favorable report . Independence of Joan is eroded ,the fees should be co-determind by Joan and Madrid and berne