
_______ is a hydrophilic or water soluble vitamin that is highly recommended for women to take during the childbearing years, especially if they are actively trying to conceive or couple potential conceive in the near future to prevent spina bifida in the baby.

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Folate is a vitamins known as B9. Folate has a Chemical formula of C19H19N7O6 and a molar mass of 441.4 g/mol. Folates are found in many foods such as eggs,Citrus Fruits, Broccoli, Asparagus and many more. One of its usefulness is that it helps in cell division. When someone does not have adequate folate in his or her body, the person will be having symptoms like sore tongue, headache, concentration problem, the person will also be weak and many more like that. Before folate is being known as folacin.

Answer: FOLATE

Explanation: Folate is an anti-anaemic or Haematinic converts folate onto Tetrahydrofolic acid in the body.

This Tetrahydrofolic acid is required for purine to be synthesized to bring about maturation of Red Blood Cells (RBC).

It also plays a basic role in bone marrow production.

Folate helps cells to multiply including the Red Blood Cell (RBC) and the cells that lines the gastrointestinal tract that delivers energy to the body.

Folate is used in individuals that have deficiency of acid,used in pregnancy,used in malnutrition and malabsorption syndrome, Leukemia,Sickle cell anaemia and megaloblastic anaemia.

It's dosage is 5-20mg Orally.