Respuesta :
r=r*10+d shifts the previous value to the left (by multiplying by 10) and adds a new digit.
So imagine r = 123 and you want to append 4 to it.
First r is multiplied by 10, so you have 1230. Then you add 4, and get 1234.
The r variable builds up the reverse of s, so it starts at 0.
This program prints a number with reversed digits. For example, if you input 3564, you'll get 4653.
Suppose you give [tex]s=45[/tex], and let's see what the code does line by line:
We give 45 as input, and define [tex]r=0[/tex].
Then, we enter the while loop. The instruction d = s%10 simply extracts the last digit from s. In this case, [tex]d=5[/tex].
The istruction [tex]r = r\ast 10+d[/tex] adds a 0 at the end of the current value of [tex]r[/tex]. Then we add [tex]d[/tex], so now the last digit of [tex]r[/tex] is [tex]d[/tex]: we're performing
[tex]0\cdot 10 + 5 = 5[/tex]
Finally, the integer division s = s//10 cuts the last digit from [tex]s[/tex]. So, after the first loop, we have
[tex]d=5,\quad r=5,\quad s=4[/tex]
We enter the loop again. we have
[tex]d = s\%10 = 4\%10 = 4[/tex]
The new value of [tex]r[/tex] is
[tex]5\cdot 10 + 4 = 54[/tex]
And the division s//10 returns 0, so we exit the loop.
And indeed we have r=54, which is 45 in reverse.