Show your mastery of converting between decimals, fractions and percents by answer the following questions.

Question 1: What is 9-16 in decimal form?
Question 2: What is 37.5% in decimal form?
Question 3: What is 0.685 when written as a percentage?

Be sure to show all work and answer in complete sentences.

Respuesta :

Question 1. I am assuming you meant 9/16, and in that case, the answer would be 0.5625. 9-16 is -7.
Question 2. 35.7% in decimal form is relative to what the percent is of. 35.7% of a million is different than 35.7% of one.
Question 3. Once again, this is relative as to what. Percentage of the weight of an elephant? It is important to specify in these types of equations.
Universidad de Mexico