The complete question has been found online. It is as follows:
In "The Sky is Low, the Clouds are Mean," what human behavior does the snowflake display?
a. it cannot make up its mind.
b. it is mean and nasty.
c. it is full of complaints
d. it has trouble getting along with others.
The answer is indeed A. it cannot make up its mind.
The poem by Emily Dickinson uses personification, which is a figure of speech authors employ to give human qualities or characteristics to objects, animals, or even ideas. By doing so, they make their writing more descriptive, poetic, and imaginative. About the snowflake, the speaker says,
A travelling flake of snow
Across a barn or through a rut
Debates if it will go.
Just like a person, this snowflake seems to be able to think, to reason, and to doubt. It is not sure, it is debating, if it will go. Although it is just an object, the snowflake has been attributed such human behavior. Therefore, the correct answer is A. it cannot make up its mind.