Respuesta :

Choosing not to smoke can be beneficial to an individual's health because smoking activity can increase several risks of humans' health. The coronary heart, the lung cancer, and stroke are the example of this health problem. In the United States, the number of deaths caused by smoking is larger than the number of death caused by several causes combined. The causes are HIV, drug use, alcohol use, automobile accident, and firearm-related accident.

Choosing not to smoke can be beneficial to an individual because it reduces the risk of cancer, lungs and cardio respiratory infection.  

Further Explanation:

Smoking is a predominant cause of death in many nations. It usually causes lungs, respiratory, cardiovascular infections. It has hazardous chemicals and substances that can result in cardio respiratory infection because of the presence of a high amount of tobacco in it. It increases the risk of having cancer. It is quite challenging for chain smokers to quit smoking. It can be made possible to leave smoking through the initiative of tobacco-free organizations or the peer group of an individual.  

There are many benefits for an individual who doesn’t smoke such they have a healthy cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, and integumentary system. No smoking also helps an individual for maintaining a healthy sexual relationship and reduces the risk of infertility. Also, it increases the life span of an individual and reduces the risk of having cancer.

Learn more:

  1. Learn more about cellular respiration
  2. Learn more about diffusion
  3. Learn more about phospholipid bilayer

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Health

Topic: Smoking


Smoking, tabaco, digestive system, respiratory, healthy, sexual relationship, infertility, chain smokers, cancer, hazardous chemical, substances.