Respuesta :
Hallucinogens are the class of drugs that cause hallucinations. Orally taken or smoked. EXAMPLES... LSD, pcp, heroin. It happens when you are high and come down in most cases.
Hallucinogens distort sensory impressions giving rise to illusions, hallucinations, that is, the subject perceives objects or sensations that do not really exist. Hallucinogens are psychotropics that are classified as psychodileptic by Delay, who defined psychodyslepsy as the mental disturbance caused by certain substances that produced a delusional distortion in the appreciation of reality.
It can be said that all hallucinogens of a toxicological-social nature belong to the plant kingdom, being innumerable plant substances that contain hallucinogenic principles.
Hallucinogens strongly affect mental functions, distorting the way our senses work. The reactions perceived when consumed differ not only according to the substance and dose consumed, but according to the emotional state, the physical condition of the consumer and, above all, the environment or circumstance in which it is located. This makes it possible to have opposite or expected ambivalent reactions: states of relaxation and anxiety or tension; Of happiness and sadness.
There are natural ones such as Peyote and Psilocybe or synthetics such as LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) or PCP (phencyclidine or angel dust)