Print either "Fruit", "Drink", or "Unknown" (followed by a newline) depending on the value of userItem. Print "Unknown" (followed by a newline) if the value of userItem does not match any of the defined options. For example, if userItem = GR_APPLES, output should be:FruitSample program:#include using namespace std;int main() { enum GroceryItem {GR_APPLES, GR_BANANAS, GR_JUICE, GR_WATER}; GroceryItem userItem = GR_APPLES; return 0;}Below, do not type an entire program. Only type the portion indicated by the above instructions (and if a sample program is shown above, only type the portion.)

Respuesta :


I am writing a C++ program. Let me know if you want the program in some other programming language. Here is the portion of the code:

if((userItem == GR_APPLES) || (userItem == GR_BANANAS)){

 cout << "Fruit";   }

else if((userItem == GR_JUICE) || (userItem == GR_WATER)){

 cout << "Drink";  }


 cout << "Unknown";  }  

cout << endl;



The IF statement is used to check the defined options with the value in the userItem.

If the value of the userItem is GR_APPLES OR GR_BANANAS then Fruit is printed as the output. || represents a logical operator OR so this means that userItem can be either the GR_APPLES or GR_BANANAS for the If condition to evaluate to true.

If the above condition evaluates to false then the else-if part will be checked next. So the else if checks if the value in the userItem is GR_JUICE or GR_WATER. If userItem contains either of these two then Drink is displayed on the screen as output.

If the else-if statement also evaluates to false then the else part is executed which displays Unknown.

The cout<< endl; statement in the last is used to print the new line. For example if the output is Unknown then it is followed by a new line.

In the given program userItem is set to GR_APPLES

GroceryItem userItem = GR_APPLES

So the output of the whole program is Fruit followed by a new line.

The screenshot of the code along with the output is attached.

Ver imagen mahamnasir