#include <stdio.h>
#define PI 3.14159
int main(void)
double inner_diameter,outer_diameter,thickness,area,density,quantity;
double inner_radius,outer_radius,unit_weight,weight;
/* Get the inner diameter, outer diameter, and thickness.*/
printf("Inner diameter in centimeters> ");
scanf("%lf", &inner_diameter);
printf("Outer diameter in centimeters> ");
scanf("%lf", &outer_diameter);
printf("Thickness in centimeters> ");
scanf("%lf", &thickness);
/* Get the material density and quantity manufactured. */
printf("Material density in grams per cubic centimeter> ");
scanf("%lf", &density);
printf("Quantity in batch> ");
scanf("%lf", &quantity);
/* Compute the washer area. */
inner_radius = inner_diameter / 2.0;
outer_radius = outer_diameter / 2.0;
area = PI * outer_radius * outer_radius - PI * inner_radius * inner_radius;
/* Compute the weight of a flat washer. */
unit_weight = area * thickness * density;
/* Compute the weight of the batch of washers. */
weight = unit_weight * quantity;
/* Display the weight of the batch of washers. */
printf("\nThe expected weight of the batch is %.2f grams.", weight);
return (0);