Use your favorite search engine or visit your public library to do research to find the latitude of the city in which you live (or the closest major city) and the average monthly temperatures for that city. You will need to cite your source(s). Enter the information in the spaces provided.

Respuesta :


New York City. Latitude of 40.730610

For January 2020 the average temperature was 2 degrees Celsius, reaching a high of 6 degrees Celsius during the day and -3 degrees Celsius at night.


January is the coldest month of the year in New York City.

Answer: Search engine used is google search engine.

The place I live is Kado, Abuja, Nigeria.

The latitude according to the google search engine is 9.0889° N, 7.4258° E.

Hottest Month March (91 °F avg)

Coldest Month August (78 °F avg)

Average monthly temperature is 84.5°F

Wettest Month May (1.31" avg)

Windiest Month December (8 mph avg) .