Times are tough at your organization, and, as the director of human resources, you have a problem. This company's senior executives have decided that 10% of the payroll has to be cut immediately. Instead of laying off about 30 people, you would like to have everyone cut back their work hours by 10%. This way the payroll would be cut but everyone would get to keep their jobs. But you've heard that this idea isn't popular with all the workers. Some are already grumbling that it's a "bad idea" and the company is just for excuses "to cut wages". How can you best handle this situation as a change leader?

Respuesta :

Answer: 1. Stop on hiring, promotions, or pay raises.

2. Don't fill positions left vacant when employees leave voluntarily

which helps cut other cost

3. pay cuts

4. asking employees to take time.

5. Cutdown on overtime.

Explanation: as a change leader many employees would fill the company just wants to discard them, so you try to avoid legal problems making sure the reason for the work hour cut off is a business related reason. The company is currently going through a tough time. You try to talk to the affected employees telling them the current situation of the company and the need for a 10% cut in their work hour and presenting the other alternative to them which is outright layoffs.