Respuesta :
Mother genotype is IAi (heterozygous)
Man is Rh negative and O type blood group its genotype is OrOr
Mother is A positive so her genotype would be either IAIA or IAi
Also A blood group is dominant over O blood group.
It is given:
two children are A POSITIVE
One child is A negative
so the mother must have been heterozygous with genotype IAi as one of the child would have recieved it from mother as it is a dominant trait.
Punnete square shows
i AIi Aii
i AIi Aii 50 percent chances of A negative child is there.
Mother genotype is IAi (hetero-zygous) as the mother is a dominant trait.
Steps to find Mother's genotype:
Man is Rh negative and O type blood group its genotype is OrOr
Mother is A positive so her genotype would be either IAIA or IAi
Also A blood group is dominant over O blood group.
It is given:
two children are A POSITIVE
One child is A negative
So the mother must have been hetero-zygous with genotype IAi as one of children would received it from mother as it is a dominant trait.
Punnete square shows
i AIi Aii
i AIi Aii
50 percent chances of A negative child is there.
Find more information about Dominant trait here: