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Withdrawal symptoms.
Coffee contains caffeine which is a stimulant drug. So, Laura is used to or addicted to coffee drinking because of the caffeine content in the coffee. If Laura decides to stop taking in the coffee, that is if she decided to WITHDRAW from the use of caffeine she experiences headache which is one of the symptoms when one is withdrawing from drugs. Other symptoms include(but are not limited to) the following: vomiting, hallucinations, fatigue, excessive hunger and so on. It must be noted that symptoms are due to the type of drug one withdraws from.
Withdrawal symptoms.
if an individual is over dependent on a particular drug or medication to the extent that certain functions or activities can not be performed without taken, but suddenly stopped the drug intake, the body physiology which was used to the drug reacted to the absence, by showing certain symptoms.
These group of symptoms demonstrated this individual who suddenly stooped the usage of the particular drug he/she was formally over dependent on is called Withdrawal Symptoms.
The symptoms varies with the particular drug or medication over used by the individual