The hypothalamic-hypophyseal tract ________.a. runs through the infundibulum b. is the site of prolactin synthesis c. conducts aldosterone to the hypophysis d. connects the hypophysis to the pituitary gland

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Answer: a. runs through the infundibulum

Explanation: The hypothalamus and the pituitary gland (hypophysis) are linked by a structure called the infundibulum. The infundibulum contains vasculature and nerve axons, these nerve axons have endocrine properties.

The hypothalamic-hypophyseal tract runs through this infundibulum


.a. runs through the infundibulum


Generally hormones of the  hypothalamus(e.g gonadotropin -releasing hormones,growth hormone-releasing hormone)  do not enter general circulation before reaching the ant. pituitary gland. Rather  their transport   and material  exchange   from the hypothalamus to the ant. pituitary gland is shunted by  network of  blood capillaries,  in the    connective structure that directly linked  the hypothalamus with the ant. pituitary.

These network of blood capillaries    which  pass through the infundibulum at  the base of the fore brain is called  the hypothalamic-hypophyseal tract. it clinical significance in diseases spread  is that it may serve as the route of  metastasis  from    hypothalamus to reach the pituitary.

Anatomically the Infundibulum  or pituitary stalk  functions in maintaining  balance in  body water and electrolyte levels  of the body and also carry  out some  endocrine functions by allowing the transport of hypothalamic hormones(  e,g ADH, oxytocin  to  reach the post. pituitary gland