Respuesta :


The Forrest of life

Among the trees I walk and aspire,

light and shade mingled to my hearts desire.

This earthy force and hidden charm,

sensing enclosure in that musky arm.

Natures cathedral hold in pace,

mystical altar in the mist of grace.

For all of you in that light of sphere,

sensing my acquaintance there.

In this oasis of living breathe as treasure,

mental fountain overflows in receptive pleasure.

Distinguished fragile habitation as throne,

knowing that your spirit never leaves us alone.

We are the part of your purer fire,

intimate consent to inquire.

Then the love which does us binds,

is between the stars, the forest and the minds.

Memories of ancient souls,

still touching you in clouds.

Underneath your shade, many days remote,

lovers and poets sat and wrote.

Sounds of crisp dialect by wind like beach,

gifts of mysterious breath no one can teach. this isnt mine but its an idea kinda Copyright © Robert Rittel | Year Posted 2019
