Lack of interaction with social and cultural environments transforms people into members of society is a false statement.
Socialization which involves social interaction of people with each other will help transform themselves into active members of society.
The way we interact and project ourselves to our friends, relatives, parents, teachers, colleagues, neighbors and others grades our socialization process.
Knowing about the social and cultural environment of society and interacting with others based on that knowledge will help an individual to interact closely with other people and hence will transform to being a member of that society.
People who are less or unsocialized, self-interested shows a lack of interest in knowing the social and cultural environment of others and hence would not be successful in socializing.
Socialization process helps to change the status of an individual from “I” to “me”. The “me” part understands the values, expectations, and rules of a society and hence interacts socially to become a member of society.